Computing + Ocean Health
Submission Deadline: March 3, 2025
Award Amount: $50,000
We are excited to announce a call for proposals on the topic of computing for ocean health. We invite members of the CS4Env and broader UW community to submit proposals for gift funds of up to $50,000 for projects of 12 months in duration. Strong proposals should include a core focus on topics related to ocean health as well as computing methods (including data science, AI, etc).
We have left the scope of topics within ocean sciences intentionally broad in hopes of receiving innovative proposals on a variety of topics in this domain. This award is made possible by the support of a generous donor who may be interested in supporting future projects as well if we receive a strong set of proposals on this topic. Awards will be announced in March 2025.
We invite short project proposals according to the following guidelines:
Project Requirements
- A member of the research team must be UW faculty who can serve as administrative PI for the budget. Single PI submissions are welcome as well as collaborative teams.
- At least one member of the research team is expected to share results from the project at a CS4env event (bi-weekly lunch, annual symposium) during the funded year.
Proposal guidelines
- Project title
- Name and affiliation of the PI
- Project description (limited to two pages in length, including references)
- PI’s CVs
The project description should answer the following questions:
- What problem in ocean health does the project seek to address?
- What is the expected impact on ocean health?
- How will the project advance the state of the art in environmental science or computing?
- What will be accomplished during the funded year?
Submission: Please upload your submission as a single PDF using this link
Questions: If you have any questions, please email Vikram Iyer (, Dorothy Reed (, Marine Denolle (